Monday 24 October 2011

Strange Days

Today is a strange day. My boyfriend and I packed up our apartment, and he headed down the road to our new destination – we are moving from Jasper to Calgary (hm, seems I will have to change the title of my blog... Meniere's Disease in the Mountains won't work anymore! Back to my old title I suppose : ) ). I will be staying up here in Jasper for a few more weeks, staying with a friend. I don’t yet have a job lined up in the city, so it didn’t make much sense for me to leave quite so early. I will join Cole in the city in mid-November.

I am both excited and nervous about this move… nervous because I don’t have a job (yet!), and because this is the biggest thing that I have ever done with someone else. I have moved across the country, and done plenty of challenging and interesting things, but they have always just been about me. To think that I am doing this with Cole is both thrilling and scary – but also wonderful and exciting! SO many mixed emotions. I will miss this wonderful mountain town so much, and will miss the wonderful people that I am close with here even more. The city brings lots of new and fun things, which Cole and I are both really looking forward to! It will be refreshing after having been in a small town for so long.

I am happy that I will be closer to a specialist – and was referred to a new doctor in Calgary by my dizzy specialist back home. I do not have an appointment yet, but hopefully it doesn’t take to long to get in, and I will be able to have some tests done soon (I keep forgetting to call the office during work hours. I tend to avoid things that I don’t want to deal with, and while these tests will lead to new treatments and healing hopefully, I know they won’t be fun to go through, so I think I am avoiding a little!).

I had a really bad spell last week, and dealt with my ears being really ‘off’ for several days. Wednesday night it got worse and worse, until I was in full blown ‘attack mode’. I tried a sleeping pill for the first time – something just prescribed by my GP here in Jasper. Its effectiveness was rather limited, as I threw up very soon after taking it. I am not entirely sure if it was the pill that made me throw up, or of it was just time – the pill DID seem to expedite the gut expulsion process! Throwing it up was also quite terrible – if you have ever thrown up medicine and had that terrible metallic/medical taste in your mouth, you know what I mean!

I am doing my best to keep my stress level down, but with this move, and hunting for a new job, it’s not easy! Hoping that I can find work, and that we can get settled in a new place quickly. With lots to do and think about I really can’t afford to be sick right now, but I know that both negative and positive stress can make me more susceptible to a spell, so I will keep my fingers crossed and keep doing everything that I can to avoid it!!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! Honey you have a lot going on, and I know your stress level is high, no matter if it is good or not. And right now you are having a bit of both.

    Remember to take time for you. Relax, a bit every day, take deep breaths, meditate if you can..I never can get the chattering monkey out of my head. : )

    Yes, I know what you mean about throwing up medication, some is worse than others, but ick. I found the other day I was thinking about what to eat and deciding by how bad it would be to throw it up. isn't that sad? Luckily I didn't really have to worry about it.

    I'm wishing you much luck, with everything.
    hugs to you.
