Thursday 7 April 2011

The H Word

Well, last week I had my first spell in a while, and it was a big, bad, scary one. It was also a frustrating one because it came on very, VERY suddenly, and meant that I had to cancel plans I had that night with a girlfriend. I wasn't spinning as much as I have, but very ‘off’. This one was based more around my stomach than anything - I was in the bathroom every 5-10 minutes for about 7-8 hours straight, only finding relief when I managed to fall asleep briefly.

This is one of those spells that has me contemplating a trip to the emergency room while my head is buried in the toilet. I know that there isn't much that they could do to help me, an IV for fluids, and something to help me sleep would be welcomed. However, the sheer idea of going to a hospital is quite daunting. First, I would have to get out of the house, and get myself to the hospital, which would be reasonably easy since I have a great boyfriend to help take care of me when I am down and out. The 10 minute drive to the hospital would be okay, as riding in a car often soothes my symptoms, at least until it stops. But then things get scary... the thought of walking into a brightly lit emergency room, having to explain my situation to likely several different people, and having to wait to be seen, all while throwing up at the rate that some people breathe, is essentially terrifying to me when I am in the middle of a spell. I am happier to stay in my dark room, propped up on pillows and forcing myself to take a couple of sips of water or Ginger Ale after every time I throw-up. There have been times that I have been very close to going to the hospital, such as the one time I have thrown up blood - and one time when I did go to the hospital, which was the day after a particularly bad spell when I was too weak to do anything and fainted (alone in my apt!!). There are times when I likely should have gone, but as noted, the entire prospect is just far too daunting. I would be interested to know what other folks who have gone to the hospital during a spell have faced….

I am having a better week so far this week, and even got to engage in a conversation with my pharmacist yesterday, who had never actually talked to someone with Menieres, and had many thoughtful questions for me. Always happy to educate!


  1. So glad you are feeling better. But oh how scary.

    I've been to the hospital twice because of bad spells. Once before I knew what it was, and the next last year when I was so sick I started to hallucinate.
    But you are right, they really can't (or don't) do much. The first time they never could get a vein to give me fluids. Just gave me shots to help me stop throwing up. (this ER doctor was the first one to tell me that he thought this was due to my ears, first time I ever heard Meniere's)

    This last time, they gave me so much medication to try to stop the vomiting, but it just kept on coming. I just didn't feel that they did any more than we could do at home.

    Do you have meds to help you at home? Valium? Phenergan? They really help me. Especially, the Phenergan suppositories when things get bad. But often just Valium and Phenergan pills will stop an attack before it gets started.

    Good luck!
    and thank you for all the encouragement you have left on my blog.
    (I don't know why but your blog hasn't been showing up on my reader, sorry I haven't been around. I'll fix it!)

  2. Oh Hunny - take care of yourself and feel better :)

    And thanks for the lovely comments on my Blog!!!

