Monday 30 May 2011


Yesterday was a write-off for me - I slept in, but woke up feeling 'off', and though I just rested (and watched Heroes!) all day, I just felt worse and worse until I was fully sick and making trips to the bathroom by 6 pm. Very frustrating, as I was hoping to enjoy a day off with my BF, but alas I was on the couch all day, feeling terrible (I did get to spend the day with Cole watching Heroes though; he is wonderful to me, when I am well or sick!). It was a funny day, because I wasn't dizzy per say, but my head just felt very heavy, and my stomach was bloated and off as usual. Do any of you out there with MD get days like that, too? I took my serc and trizide when I woke up in the morning, but they didn't seem to help, obviously. Funny how last week I had a SUPER dizzy spell that didn't last too long, and then this week had one where I wasn't very dizzy, but it lasted for 12+ hour. I'm not sure which is worse!!

I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of my week - have a few things planned, including a date night with Cole - so fingers crossed for a healthy rest of the week!

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